Sunday, August 31, 2008


Truth - wither hast thou gone?

Since most of my posts here will involve issues that border on or involve truth, I think we should come to an agreement on what that means.  I apologize for the length, but issues of value often take time to understand, and I hope to not waste your time or mine with issues without value.

Some say that truth is an illusion or that it doesn't exist at all.  Rarely is this said blatantly - the weight of incredulity is too heavy for such a statement - but subtle shadings of deceptive or incomplete thought often go unnoticed by the vast majority of society.

What do I mean by truth?  Merely, that which accurately reflects reality.  That which disagrees with reality is untrue, and everybody easily recognizes and dislikes being treated in ways which don't correspond or reflect reality.  If you work 40 hours and are paid for 20, not many will agree that the employer's decision merely reflects their perspective, which is as valid as any other.  Indeed, if you really work 40 hours, then you should be paid for 40 hours, true?

However, when claims are made that are less easily testable, most are willing to believe that all perspectives are equally valid.  I have heard it said that all religions are equally true and all lead their followers to God, and many people allow this to be said, whether out of tolerance or outright foolishness, I cannot say, but this claim is logically impossible.  If Judaism says Jesus was not the Messiah and Christianity says he was, one of them has to be wrong.  If Islam says that Mohammed is the most important prophet and Buddhism claims that that title goes to the Gautama Buddha, they may both be wrong (it could be somebody else entirely), but they may not both be right.  This is because of the law of non-contradiction, which states that a thing cannot be A and not-A at the same time and in the same way.  This seems self-evident when stated in this way, but far too often, casual thinking (which we are all guilty of from time to time) does not push this far in testing ideas.

As I mentioned at the top, the weight of incredulity prevents direct statements of the law of non-contradiction, but indirect allusions and incomplete thought processes often lead to statements such as "this is true to me," and "that's your opinion."  While it is true that some matters aren't matters of truth - strawberry milkshakes are better than chocolate, for instance - these matters of preference don't negate the reality of matters of truth.  If I say that I prefer chocolate over strawberry, I'm making a statement of preference and truth, and in fact it is a statement of untruth (I don't like chocolate very much), which as I stated before, are often easier to identify than statements of truth.

In conclusion, I hope that I have at least given you something to ponder and I trust you will let me know if you disagree with me.  Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


There is a hint of narcissism in every blog, and I'm aware of the greater likelihood that my blog will suffer from that more than most.  I can only hope that anybody interested enough to read my blathering will be willing to add their thoughts to mine and start a discussion.  At least then we can be narcissistic together.

Actually, I'm hoping that that there will be discussion and even some debate within the boundaries of friendship (as iron sharpens iron, so one friend sharpens another.)  I chose the title of my blog as a reference to the greatest commandment to "love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself."  (Luke 10:27 NASB)  I'm hoping to use this space to discuss relevant questions at the intersection of faith, morality, and philosophy.  I don't claim to be an expert in any of these areas, but I have heard far too many poor reasons for why people believe what they believe in these areas, and I want to encourage loving with all your mind.

Let's begin by parsing that statement:  Love with all your mind.  (I have limited this blog to the mental aspect of the greatest commandment not because I think it is most important - certainly not - but because I think it is the most ignored in today's culture.)
1. Let's not overlook the first word - it is my belief that when people think correctly about other people, they can't help but love them - not in a gushy, mealy-mouthed, romantic way, but in the way that we recognize the humanity in others, and love and hate the same things about all people that we love and hate about ourselves.  Babies are often used in dramatic settings in movies and the like to demonstrate this kind of love.  The 2006 film "Children of Men" has a powerful scene in which a newborn baby stops a violent and deadly urban battle, if only for a few moments.  This is mostly because of the storyline of the film, but that storyline takes much of its poignancy because of the humanity expressed by the innocence of youth.  I would like everybody to be able to see the humanity of all people as much as we see the humanity of children.
2. The second word ("with") implies activity and agency - love is not an emotion, but activity that requires agency.  Shakespeare spoke well when he asked "How do I love thee?" because it is easy to speak of love without demonstrating it.
3. All means all.  Not the parts that you use for comfortable sound-bite theology or philosophy, or the parts that have been filled with other people's thoughts, but your entire capacity for thought.  None of us will be able to do this constantly, but I expect we try.  Please don't spout aphorisms or bumper stickers without examining the thought you are expressing.
4. "Your" relates to the last sentence.  What do YOU think?  There are plenty of placed to have opinions provided for you - I hope this is not one of those.  When leaving this site with a thought that isn't yours, it better be tested thoroughly first!
5. Some say we only use about 10% of our brain's capacity for thought - I'm not a scientist, so I can't bicker with the numbers, but I'm certain that the vast majority of people do not use the full capacity of their brain.  There are records of the entire Qur'an being memorized.  Orchestra conductors often conduct 80 instruments or more for an hour's worth of music from memory, while emoting, expressing and performing music (which is one of the most complex brain activities.)  Even mediocre chess players are expected to be able to plan several moves in advance and adjust them in seconds when a new move is made.  Dozens of other examples are extant - my point is most people waste the brain they were given, and I for one would like to change that.  Any takers?